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Poultry House Sprayer

500 Gallon Poultry House Cleaning Sprayer

The 500-gallon poultry house sprayer cleans and disinfects commercial poultry houses quickly and efficiently. The poultry house cleaning sprayer's many features include a powerful John Blue Diaphragm pump, PTO drive, reversible spray boom and adjustable nozzles. Pressure washing poultry houses is now made a little easier with our poultry house tank sprayer.

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Poultry House Sprayer Features

  • 500-gallon elliptical tank with side fillwell
  • Single axle spray trailer
  • 50' high-pressure hose with Hypro spray handgun

Poultry House Sprayer Benefits

  • Powerful high-pressure cleaning action
  • Trailer sprays left, right, up, and down
  • Hose and spray gun for hard to reach areas

Poultry House Sprayer Details

While pressure washing poultry houses isn't an easy job, the 500 gallon poultry house sprayer provides commercial results, making the job easier, faster, and more efficient. The John Blue diaphragm pump operates at 39.2 gpm under a psi of 725, providing a powerful spray for cleaning and disinfecting. For pressure washing the poultry house walls, use the swivel boom with nozzles that can be adjusted for both height and angle. The boom's poly springs also act as a breakaway protection. Use the tank sprayer cluster nozzles to clean the floor and ceiling. The height and angles of the cluster nozzles can also be adjusted.

While pressure sprayers are a standard in chicken house cleaning equipment, with our power sprayer model the boom and cluster nozzles do most of the work. However, there will be times when a hand-held pressure sprayer is needed for hard to reach areas. The poultry house cleaning sprayer includes 50' of high-pressure hose and an adjustable-spray Hypro Long-Throw trigger gun. The Reelcraft reel is mounted to the trailer on a 180º swivel that can swing freely or be locked in any of 5 positions. The reel also can be locked in place to prevent the hose from unwinding when the trailer is in transit.

Additionally, chicken house cleaning equipment often needs to be able to access low-clearance areas. This trailer is designed to accommodate those low clearance access needs, by using and elliptical tank to lower the trailer's overall profile. The elliptical tank shape also provides a lower center of gravity, giving it greater stability than the typical round tank varieties.

For freeze protection for your water trailer or skid, our Water Trailer Heater Blankets are exactly what you need . When cold weather affects the viscosity of fuel, fluids, and other materials you can lose production time, adding additional costs. Power blankets keep your tanks and smaller corrugated/steel tanks at constant temperature, preventing fluids from freezing in extreme conditions. We customize thermal blankets to meet your specific needs, no matter the tank size or shape. Call us today to find out more!

Poultry House Sprayer Specifications

Tank 500 Gallon Elliptical Tank With Side Fillwell
Trailer 6" Channel Iron Frame
Single Axles (Torsion Spring Or Solid)
15x8" Tires
62" Wheel Track
Height Adjustable Clevis Hitch
Hose Reel Reelcraft
Mounted On 180 Degree Lockng Swivel
Pump DP392 CDS/John Blue Diaphragm Pump
39.2 GPM @ 725 PSI
PTO Drive Shaft
Hose 50' High Pressure Hose
Boom Reversible With 4 Adjustable Nozzles
And Breakaway Springs
Additional Features Included Adjustable Cluster Nozzle
Hypro Long-Throw Trigger Gun


Poultry House Cleaning Sprayer Applications

While the poultry house washer for sale is a tank sprayer that has been designed specifically for use at commercial poultry facilities, it can be used for any application that needs to power spray and disinfect a room as a regular part of operations. The side-fill port facilitates quick filling and mixing of cleaning solutions. The boom swivels to power spray from either side of the trailer. The cluster nozzles power spray floors and ceilings, and the hand-held pressure hose and gun power wash targeted areas that need more attention.

Frequently Asked Questions

Poultry House Cleaning Sprayer Frequently Asked Question

The 500-gallon poultry house sprayer includes an elliptical tank for a couple of reasons. Due to its lower center of gravity when full, an elliptical tank is much more stable and less likely to tip when jarred or on sharp curves. Additionally, it offers a lower profile. Many chicken houses have areas with low clearance that the trailer needs to be able to access.

The primary benefit of a poultry house cleaning sprayer is that it reduces the amount of manual effort needed for cleaning a chicken house. It makes cleaning faster and uses fewer man hours to get the job done. Additionally, the poultry house cleaning sprayer provides a steady spray of disinfectant that helps to ensure blanketed coverage for sanitization.

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