Construction and Building Site Dust Control

Water tank trailers for construction sites satisfy a number of construction related regulations that can be met with the simple application of water. From pressure washing heavy equipment to building site dust control, water is one of the most versatile tools on hand. A steady supply is necessary at any building or construction site, both urban and rural.
The Water Tank Trailer for Construction Sites is a versatile tool that can be utilized for many different purposes and applications. With capacity options from 500 to 1,600 gallons, both small and large sites are covered. The DOT-compliant trailer ensures that water is available at multiple job sites across cities and towns. Multiple discharge and filling options offer a level of versatility not found in many other trailers:
- 25' Fire Hose
- 8' to 25' Adjustable Spray Bar
- Hose Bibbs
- Quick Fill Kit (high pressure sources)
- Suction Fill Kit (strainer and fire hydrant adapter)
For more detailed information, see: water tank trailer for construction sites specifications. Also check our Dust Suppression Tralers (pdf)
Questions about getting a water trailer for your construction site? Call our team at 1-863-261-8388 or Contact Us.

Heavy Equipment Wash-Down Station
No doubt about it, construction equipment gets dirty. But most SWPPPs require measures to make sure that heavy equipment doesn't track dirt, concrete dust, or other contaminants off the construction site location. Keep your job in compliance with the SWPPP by using the water tank trailer as a portable wash-station to rinse equipment before it leaves the site. Whether that station is self-contained or uses a drive-through berm, the Water Tank Trailer for Construction Sites will get the job done.
Capture the runoff with a drive-through spill berm. The trailer can be used with the fire hose provided for higher pressure targeted coverage or with the hose bibb for lower volume spraying. The Honda pump ensures quick fill up and discharge of water, so cleaning is quick and easy at the end of the day. All heavy equipment washing can take place with convenience in a contained area. Filter the contaminated water through a dewatering bag that safely captures and contains the contaminants and sediment while letting the clean water pass through. For a full listing of options, see: Water Tank Trailers For Sale

Mobile Pressure Washing Trailer
Sometimes only the speed and power of a pressure washer will do. Pressure washing heavy equipment can be necessary when dirt or debris has become caked on or dried hard. Instead of choosing expensive rental equipment, consider using your water trailer instead. The water tank trailer for construction sites is completely customizable to fit just the right equipment for your pressure washing needs. The 4 HP pump will work for a number of attachments.
Building Site Dust Control & Cutting Concrete
Silicosis is an incurable lung disease caused by the inhalation of dust containing silica particles. Unfortunately, the concrete and mortar so often used on construction sites contains a great deal of it. In order to protect workers and bystanders, watering down the dust around the work area and the concrete itself is necessary for building site dust control.
The Water Tank Trailer for Construction Sites is effective in controlling the dust that results when cutting concrete. The trailer can be towed to virtually any spot needed on the sight that it's needed. Use the spray bar to weight down dust in the broader consturction area. The fire hose and nozzle will saturates specific taregeted areas. The Water Tank Trailer for Construction can also be used to provide water to saw reservoirs already on site. With this method of dust control, the amount of dust stirred up by the concrete saws is cut by up to 85%.
Road Dust Control Techniques
Dust control is one of the largest concerns on a construction site. Most towns and counties have air pollution regulations that severely limit the amount of dust a site can legally stir up. Without a construction dust removal machine, most building sites choose the easiest option for building site dust control – dust suppression with water.
The Water Tank Trailer for Construction Sites has a feature specifically designed for dust suppression. The spray bar on the back of the trailer ensures a wide swath of water discharges as it's pulled along the area. Adjustable between 8' and 25', the spray bar has enough coverage to mist large areas in one pass.
Questions about getting a water trailer for your construction site? Call our team at 1-863-261-8388 or Contact Us.
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